Our Work
For over 50 years, we have provided a safe and supportive environment for young people who are facing challenges due to traumas they have experienced previously in their life.

Our Ranch
Oak Hill Ranch is located on a beautiful 160-acre tree-lined property located in a rural setting approximately 40 km north of Edmonton near the town of Bon Accord. The quiet country atmosphere provides a relaxing setting that enhances our therapeutic programming.
Get to Know Us
We have a great team here at Oak Hill Ranch. With over 50 dedicated staff and specialists on hand for on-site psychiatric services and clinical-therapy, young people living with us are embraced with complete support.
We approach all interactions with warmth and care. Being present and in-the-moment for young people allows us to make deeper connections and more meaningful progress. Young people are supported, respected, and valued above all else. All young people deserve to feel a sense of self-worth, this is why we support, respect, and value them above all else.
Our team is committed to making decisions and delivering services with the best interest of the young people at heart. Our work is tied closely with families, keeping open lines of communication, and equipping everyone with the tools and support they need for a successful future.